Sapper Hill - 29 November 2020 - No13
Well I've final done it. I've walked from the house up to the top of Sapper Hill. My house is on Sapper Hill and the view from my kitchen window is of the summit and its masts. I chatted about walking up Sappers (as its known) with one of the local policemen who told me the vehicle track up it was one of the worst on the Islands. He also warned me against walking straight up the hill as it could be boggy. So with all these warnings in mind I jumped over the back fence and walked straight up. I have to say, knowing this was a battlefield in the 1982 conflict, I was somewhat reticent wondering whether there was any detritus of the war still left around. What was under the surface? That said the walk up was uneventful, although I was very taken by the vegetation that evidently was adapted to the difficult conditions including the evident lack of nutrients in the soil and the strong prevailing wind. When I reached the summit I found a memorial to th...