The Window cleaner cometh - 27 October 2020 No5
It's not every husband that leaves home for an apparent two year trip abroad who returns home after a couple of days. With the Dakar drama over this was my lot last Tuesday. I arrived home via train and taxi around lunchtime to see just how much of my life had already been tidied away. Now Dianne and I can always count on Sarah to shop one of us to the other - and this she duly did tonight. I was told that my mugs had been restored to the kitchen cupboard - however it was clear that the study had been extensively "re-modelled" in my short absence! Shortly after I arrived the window cleaner slipped his card through the letter box to announce he wanted paying for his services. Normally that's a task I perform - now its a task that others can pick up. I was gently amused by the failure to get a radio working in the kitchen- largely because it hadn't been recognised as an internet radio - and it simply needed the wifi password entering! My unscheduled stop in ...