The Window cleaner cometh - 27 October 2020 No5

It's not every husband that leaves home for an apparent two year trip abroad who returns home after a couple of days.  With the Dakar drama over this was my lot last Tuesday.

I arrived home via train and taxi around lunchtime to see just how much of my life had already been tidied away.  Now Dianne and I can always count on Sarah to shop one of us to the other - and this she duly did tonight.  I was told that my mugs had been restored to the kitchen cupboard - however it was clear that the study had been extensively "re-modelled" in my short absence!

Shortly after I arrived the window cleaner slipped his card through the letter box to announce he wanted paying for his services.  Normally that's a task I perform - now its a task that others can pick up.  

I was gently amused by the failure to get a radio working in the kitchen- largely because it hadn't been recognised as an internet radio - and it simply needed the wifi password entering!

My unscheduled stop in Brize gave me an opportunity to reassess my packing.  I discovered that I had forgotten soap.  Not a problem normally as you expect to be able to pick it up at your destination - however it wasn't readily available at Gateway House.  I've remedied that deficiency - however my decanting from the shower gell bottle was duly noted!

I struggled today with one of my two pull-along suitcases.  Ironically it was the lighter of the two -however it constantly wanted to topple over.  I'll repack it tomorrow making sure all the heavy stuff helps, rather than hinders stability.

The final part of my blog tonight relates an interchange with my younger daughter.  We're not a particularly demonstrative family - although we do care deeply and love each other! Sarah and I did hug last Sunday - a rare experience - normally we just touch the tip of our little fingers - the typical limit to our physical expression of love and affection.

So, when I was at Oxford Railway station plotting my journey home to Frodsham I had the following exchange with Sarah... I was hoping that she could pick me up from Runcorn...

Me: Are you working from home today?  I get to Runcorn at 11:22

Sarah: No I'm in the office today and tomorrow.

Me: OK see you later - chance for more hugs...

Sarah: You've used your hug allowance for the year - don't get greedy.

Me: very funny and real laugh out loud... cheeky 🐎

Me: 🐎 = mare btw.

Sarah: Yes I worked that out.

Me: Can't be sure with you... its words and pictures not numbers or bull 🌊 πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍🦰*

[*Sarah is a trainee accountant and was surprised to learn the value of bull semen]

Sarah: [at work] Shut up... you are clearly bored.

I admitted I was waiting for a train.  She was right, of course!

It can sometime take others to point out the blindingly obvious.  Good friend and former councillor colleague Lynn has often told me that Sarah really is my clone.  I'm not sure either of us would be flattered by the comparison and certainly I've struggled to see this over the years.  Self evidently no-one is as sound and reasonable as me - however our interchange today hints that Lynn may be onto something.


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